söndag 4 november 2012

Sunday, baby!

I can´t believe I have been here for 1 month and 3 weeks already! It´s Sunday, AGAIN! Sundays = "let´s be a good student and study-all-day", due to my hard-core Monday with 3 lectures and 2 seminars. On top of that I have my distance unit from back home. Days like these I should stop being a time optimist and work on my time management instead. But by being spontaneous and living in the present-person it´s hard to plan the future. And to be honest, I kind of like my lifestyle... so I have to deal with this...I guess. 

Situations like now I always turn to Tim Ferris, what would he do? The simple answer is: "Focus on being productive instead of busy". Which means no blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Skype or Youtube. I should go back to crazy Gareth Morgan and his metaphors and be PRODUCTIVE, ofc!!!!  

Have a nice Sunday people! 

This Helen "writing a useless blog post and productive" Van

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